A brief History
Draughtsman (Civil), NCVT course started under this department in 1986 with 2 units. (1 unit in 1st Shift and 1 unit in 2nd Shift). It is affiliated to National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT), Govt. of India - Affiliation No. DGET-6/9/85-TC dated. 03.01.1986.
In 2005, Civil Engineering, KGCE Course under State Board of Technical Education, Govt. of Kerala started with 30 seats capacity. - Affiliation No.C4/14133/04/DTE dated 22/06/2005.
In 2012 Construction Supervision (Civil), NIOS course under National Institute of Open Schooling, Govt. of India started. - Affiliation No. NIOS/SSS(VE)/AAC-89/2012/1981 dated 10-12-2012.
In 2019, Civil Engineering (Part Time), KGCE Course under State Board of Technical Education, Govt. of Kerala started with annual intake of 30 seats. - Affiliation No.
ITI trade Draughtsman (Civil) is a job oriented trade. It is suitable for government job and private job. This ITI trade Draughtsman (Civil) is very powerful for self-empowerment. This ITI trade Draughtsman (Civil) is perfectly design to fulfill industrial requirement of Indian Industries as well as International industries. This course is meant for the candidates who aspire to become Civil Draughtsman whose job roles include planning and drawing sketches of residential buildings from given data, preparing working drawings of all types of buildings from line sketches in CAD, Planning, drawing, estimating, and costing of civil work, drawing plans by using CAD, and making of 3D models of civil work. Giving setting out of site, supervision of civil work etc. Draughtsman (Civil) is also called drafter. It is an art vocational trade, and the course is designed to provide a drawing of projects, it helps to get visual guidelines and showing the technical details. A drafter uses drawings, rough sketches, codes, and calculations supplied by engineers, architects, or scientists.
Electrical Engineering course comprises theoretical and practical know-how of Electricity Generators, Electric Motors and House wiring, Industrial wiring, Repairing of Electrical Appliances, Motor winding, Testing and Experiments with Electrical Meters and Cathode Ray Oscilloscope. Besides the KGCE Certificate, the trainees can also get qualified for License as Wireman. The trade has great self-employment opportunities.
Building is defined as that construction which has walls, columns, floor, ceiling, doors, windows, ventilators, stair case, lift and other related components. One of the main job of civil engineer is to construct building and the construction supervisor posted at job site should have the capability to understand full and clearly the instructions needed for this as well as he is responsible for getting the job done accordingly, by the skilled, semiskilled and unskilled laborers.
With the rise in civil construction works today there is huge demand of construction supervisor keeping this in mind NIOS has designed the course of ‘Construction Supervision (Civil)’. This is a certificate course of six months duration.
The objective of the program is to develop well trained Manpower in the area of construction management at middle level.
This is a multi skill development program which will make you know about variety of skills and will make you fully capable to do service or manage your own trade.
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